Monday, August 30, 2010


whoever finishes their beer first doesn't have to throw down on the tip

sunday morning, let's have fun. gus is the world's best dog, too bad he is also a certified killing machine. don't bring your puppy over for a play date. girls do you think the waiter at gordon biersch has called matt yet?


Thursday, August 26, 2010


it's not really about you, because today it's about me. and you bet your ass those things are mutually exclusive.

If these women have taught me anything it's to always ask for things, especially when it's your birthday. People are ok with giving you things, they just don't know it yet. Not that ya'll needed much convincing to go to bars, but thanks to all of you that came out for my big day. I feel really loved. 

Shirtless after party in my honor!


Saturday, August 21, 2010


I don't believe in taking a picture of someone to your hair dresser and asking for the same haircut. It's the same as taking a picture of a celebrity to the plastic surgeon. You're never going to have Angelina's lips but fuck it, whatever gets you off.

vman mag


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


'Cause all i want is you!

(cut to 2010 where the radios blaring "i wanna be a billionaire so freakin bad!")

time to start hustlin

I saw somewhere Olivier Zahm talk about how the difference now from 20 years ago is that the alternative or underground has been brought to surface. (This sounded much more dangerous and well put in his french accent.) With blogs, social networks, twitter, gossip pages, and mobile uploads constantly working day and night to create strategically idealized online versions of ourselves, our friends, and people we'll likely never meet, we can acknowledge that we are part of this system. A system where the best in this underground have understood and enacted that in order to be heard they have to enter the machine and then roofie it into thinking it's giving it something completely normal.  These acts of self-exposure (whether self inflicted or unintentional), are in part just masturbation of our egos. We share our nights, our likes, our friends, and enemies. What we're listening to and what we (think we) stylishly wore last Wednesday. But where does it stop, what won't you write about? It's different for each person, then I think that's its not at all. It's what you feel vulnerable about that as the producer of your image you keep in the dark.

I can tell about how many people read this page and I although I'm pretty open about what I do with my days and nights, there are some things I think I'll always keep to myself. Yet according to my own rules, I suppose I'll only withhold them until I'm no longer conscious of the way they make me feel.

olivier and his daughter ava

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


We all acted like such bitches during the day, due to hangovers and heat-exhaustion that everyone got a different girl name for the week. Mine was Celine, Sean was Terrisina (at his own choice), Matt was Michelle, and Elise became Alice. Mainly because Sean entered her in his phone as Alice thinking that was how you spell Elise.

In other news, the fucking guy at Costco refused to put two of the rolls onto a disk so now I'm stuck with a bunch of negatives. I have to go somewhere else now cause mr photo-man doesn't approve of what I wanna take a picture of. Whatever, there are a bunch more pictures on the way.
