Thursday, May 6, 2010

You down with UCC?

black coffee found 
only on the black market 

I know your about be all like, "Gurl whatcho talkin bout coffee in a can? Gurl don't be ridiculous, I need that real shit. Gurl quit playing with me, I said GURL!" Well that is pretty much what I said until I finally shut my front door and tried the damn stuff. It's really good, but the problem is it's harder to find than fucking natural hair color in west hollywood. The only places I know have them are Japantown, Wholefoods, and eBay. I clean out the shelf when I see some, but none of those places are convenient in the morning when I'm already running 10 to 40 minutes late. 

No really, apparently my boss thinks it's weird when I call and tell her I'm running between 10 and 45 minutes late. "What do you mean 10 to 45 minutes? That's a really big range." Well I'm still in bed, so we can't be sure now can we?


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