April mother-suckin 15th!
Today marks the one year anniversary of the day I started SuckitbySina. I was flipping through my journal that I have been neglecting a bit since I started this and I realized my first entry in it was on April 15th, 2007. I'm not into religion and can never remember if I'm a Scorpio or a Virgo, but 15 or 415 is a number that seems to be following me. Gurl you spooky! Thanks to those of you who read my rants and anecdotes. Although I started SuckitbySina to chronicle college and embarrass my friends, it has turned into me basically posting whatever runs through my mind. Sorry for less drunken stories, but everyone is so mature and under control these days. "We're so in control, over-statement of the year." I'll promise to keep posting and feel free to comment if you like something or better yet, if you hate something. And all of you going to Coachella and seeing the awesomeness that is Die Antwoord, feel free to SUCKIT.
get it gurl, uz makin mama proud