Tuesday, June 8, 2010

it's simple algebra

Ready for something completely shallow and straight out of Sex&theCity deleted scenes? My gurl Eva and I were talking about how she has a tendency to hookup with guys below her hotness level. I explained to her that socially this wasn't consistent because studies have shown that people hangout with and mate with people of the same caliber of attractiveness. (Yes, I did read an article about this for class. $50,000 a year education for priceless kernels of fucking knowledge like that.) I mean think about it, it makes sense right. She put up an argument saying they weren't all bad so I had the idea to find her average. It's simple, you make a list of everyone you've slept with. (If you are someone who consumes large amounts of alcohol, you should make this list over a three day period because believe me, chances are you won't recall everyone in one sitting.) Then you sit down with a close friend, a really really close friend. Why so close? One: because it's someone that you want to trust with knowing your (entire) list and two because you want an honest opinion for the next step. You go through and rate the guys on a scale of one to ten based strictly (or as much as possible, strictly) on appearance. We did this over the phone and I haven't met all of them so I logged on to her facebook to get a more accurate number for some one them. You should have a friend do it with you because you need two opinions, always. Then add it up, divide by number of guys, blah blah. Evas average hotness (i'm sorry, average hotness sounds so fuckin tacky) was around a 7.32 and I later did it to get a 7.58 for myself. I was trying to show her that if we are functioning (or fucking rather) under the idea that they're all treating you like crap, at least make it a point to only hookup with the hot ones. All that ladylike charm and coy lash batting shouldn't be wasted on the 3s and 4s walking around with a short-man-complex. 


1 comment:

  1. Unless the hott guy doesnt wanna have anything to do with her. Then what does she do? You "people" get so caught up in all that shit. I've hooked up with 10s and I've hooked up with 2s. One life to live and I'm not gonna just waste it on the ridiculously hott stuckup mean bitch type. I rest my case
