Thursday, September 3, 2009

The ULTIMATE Dealbreaker

Was Jon Gosselin always such a D-bag or has the divorce from Kate just brought out the worst? Either way, SuckitbySina is proud to present that he is the #1 Dealbreaker.
If you haven't already figured this one out...don't worry, I'm prepared to explain.

Exhibit A: The constant use of BlueTooth when not operating a motor vehicle.

Exhibit B: Always looks sweaty.

Exhibit C: Love for "mandals" aka man sandals.

Exhibit D: Hair plugs, hair plugs, hair plugs.

Exhibit E: Perpetual wearing of all things Ed Hardy-even his own show was so disgusted they had to blur out those lame ass designs on his t-shirts.

Exhibit F: Has an annoying voice.

Exhibit G: Man Boobs. Need I say more.

Not only does this guy possess a plethora of horrible attributes, but homeboy left his children and pretty decent looking wife (with vaginal reconstructive surgery to repair what those 13 kids did to her lady parts, so I'm sure it's back to virgin status) for some skanky little mid-west whore. Nice job buddy. But hey, she's just as much a cheesy Deakbreaker as he is so I hope they live happily ever after. Suck it.
SuckitbySina Correspondent

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