Monday, June 29, 2009
Blackberry Vizion

Daily Dealbreaker

Dealbreaker #12: "I won't date you if you where shirts with: pick-up lines, self-describing slogans, or sexual innuendo."
Seriously this isn't junior high anymore. I don't need to know that you think you're "rich and good looking" or that you "heart vagina." All it really says is that you thought what some un-clever loser who failed out of FIDM and is now designing for the likes of Hot Topic and
TackyT-shirts.com (or something like that), was dead-on when he came up with the shirt that you are insisting on the rest of the world associate with you. What happens when you run into someone wearing the same shirt? "Whoa, you like tits too?? Shit so do I! Let's go throw back some Jaegar bombs and pick-ups some broads breh." Spare me, seriously spare me.
Blackberry Vizion

Friday, June 26, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009
Blackberry Vizion: Delores


"Oh my goddddd. We just got them. Look at our feet."
"Aren't they fun!?"
Summer Love

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Blackberry Vizion

No love in VICELAND

I'm sure a lot of you have read and saved your copies of VICE magazine like I do: in plastic sleeves, chronologically filed in order, and stacked in storage for safe keeping. A second copy of each issue is used for highlighting, putting tabs on important articles, and cutting out awe-evoking pictures. Wait, none of that's true and it's hardly how my relationship with VICE has ever been. Never the less it's a great publication which is blunt, international, dirty, glamorous, exclusive, usually naked, always unapologetic, and straight up bitchy. Big respect for VICE. That being said: let's get down to business.
These Girls, These Girls, These Girls

Monday, June 15, 2009
Real Legit: Jayson Musson

Black Hipsters, Tight Pants, Indieclash and The Blowfish Look
V: What are your feelings on race and hipsterdom?
J: Hmmm... I'd like to see more black hipsters.
V: Why are there so few?
J: I don't know. Maybe they don't like the tight pants.
V: What's your experience of being a black hipster? Do you feel stigma? Or has it given you a kind of edge or advantage? Or both?
J: Going out in Philadelphia, I've been in what I'd call an "indieclash" scene. It's like this amalgam of a post electroclash, post indie-rock scene. People don't really go to shows anymore, they'll just go out to some electro night at some bar.
V: Whatever's on the flyer, pretty much.
J: Yeah, whatever's on the flyer. It's just a mishmash. I see indieclash prevailing for a few years until something else comes along. My indie rock friends find the word indieclash insulting.
V: What people find insulting is that you're grouping them into a group. When they're the most singular, individualist individuals who spend all day trying to elude every possible genre or categorical description.
J: The modicum of dressing for indie rock kids is very austere, which is supposed to indicate some kind of emotional or intellectual honesty, as if my thoughts are pure and untainted by any kind of cultural force.
V: Like "it's just me."
J: Yeah, these t-shirts, these pants, it's just me. That certainly isn't true of the hip-hop style of dressing, which I call the blowfish style. You just want to add mass onto yourself. It's machismo, looking like you're a virile threat. A lot of kids who listen to rap are just as skinny as indie rock kids, but they blow themselves up with clothing to make them seem as if they might eat you or something. It's the blowfish look. It's just ridiculous.
For full interview jump over to:
Jayson Musson's other works can be found at:
Blackberry Vizion

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Here we going again
Friday, June 12, 2009
Let's Get Laid!
Let's Get Laid - Trailer from Unattached Productions on Vimeo.
Check out their site for more: www.letsgetlaid.tvBlackberry Vizion

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Top of the Food Chain
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Textual Seduction

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
EVERYONE wants a piece

Battle of Puebla '09
Drinking holidays are gifts from above in every single way. They are holidays like the Fourth of July, Cinco de Mayo, Halloween, Easter, fuck it, even Earth Day. Sure these days may have significant meaning and history, but really it's just an excuse to get properly shit-housed and scream "Oleeeeeeeeeee! Ole! Ole! Ole!" on a crowded bus. Everyday is a good day to get buckwild, but drinking holidays let you justify your addiction! Score!
Cinco de Mayo never fails to disappoint, really just because the main ingredient in everything is tequila. Shirts come off, punches get thrown, and families divided as the bottles of Cuervo get finished. (Oh you'd like to think we're throwing back Patron on ice all night, but this is a recession so just be glad we didn't add hot sauce to a bottle of Listerine and call it the next big thing.)
The Cinco de Mayo '09 shitshow award definitely has to go to our favorite latina who we'll lovingly call Lola. (Elise, stop crying, it's ok. You can try to win it next year.) It may have been the personal connection Lola felt with her homeland of Mexico on this special holiday or it could have been the 6 pitchers of margaritas, but she was on ANOTHER level.
About 10 of us (stay tuned, we drop like flies) went out to Velvet Cantina in the heart of the Mission. Normally Velvet Cantina doesn't have a bouncer, so when they did, we were thrown off and the two people without fake ID's were freaking out. Saint-Lola to the rescue! I'm inside trying to figure out something else we could do, when Lola comes up to me and says, "I got this." I then see her walk up the bouncer, caress his arm and talk for about 4 minutes. Then to my disbelief all 7 of our friends begin to file into the sweaty bar.
Their conversation went something like this:
Lola: "Hi buddy, do you see that ATM over there?"
Bouncer: "Yes."
Lola: "How about I walk over to that ATM and get you some cash to let my two friends who aren't 21 in?"
Ask nicely and you can have whatever you like. Everyone hails Lola for rescuing the night and we get a big booth in the backroom. Posted up with a pitcher of margarita each, things get nice and wild.
Brittany, disgusted with American ignorance, begins to walk around the crowded bar asking people if they even know what Cinco de Mayo means. Failing to answer her quickly or accurately strangers were subjected to a rant about the "Battle of Puebla." Thanks for the history lesson babe, now let's do a body shot! She was a charging bull and people were running to save their lives.
Lola, eager to one up her, gets it in her head to give me a lap dance. Beautiful girl, I have no complaints, but it should be said that unlike myself and most my friends, Lola is a girl of dignity and class. I think I spoke too soon because the next second, Lola is straddling me, rocking up and down. She rips her shirt off, swinging it over her head like a rodeo-princess. Her black velvet bra is not even kidding and the rest of the bar has turned to admire the free show.
Next Elise and Morgan walk up to the bar to get two more pitchers.(Someone cut us off.) The bartender admires Morgan's boobs and says she'll get the margaritas for free if she flashes him. Yes, we only go to the most respectable establishments. But to be fair, they are very nice boobs indeed and it's not like he doesn't have reason to believe he's got a shot. (Angelica, sorry babe, made out with him last time we were there.) But Morgan turned his proposition down. (I know, I know. I was dissapointed in her too.)
I walk outside to smoke a cigarette, only to find Lola has now decided to kiss one of our mutual good friends. Lola was in a short kiss with a boy, which hugely concerned and confused me. See the thing is Lola is a lesbian and the idea of her not picking me if she was to kiss a boy was very disheartening. Whatever, we then watched a crackhead do the same magic trick 8 times in a row. Each time more and more impressed he finally confessed that his deck of cards was a trick deck that only had twos and eights. Entranced by the card trick, I fail to notice that Lola has now retreated behind a telephone pole (not a great hiding spot) and is puking her brains out.
Being the nurture, care-taker that I am, I held her hair and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. She was a trooper and continued partying after leaving her tequila stew on the pavement. Oh Lola you've never been more rock 'n roll!
Blackberry Vizion

Monday, June 8, 2009
Embrace the Martian
[The video is top-shelf YouTube crap but you can close your eyes.]
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Lyrical Killspree

"What's the difference between me and you?
Friday, June 5, 2009
And she'll cry if she wants to!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Daily Dealbreaker

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Welcome to the jungle

Watch & Learn
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Baby Blues!

Real Legit: Banksy

Monday, June 1, 2009
How do you spell douchbag? F-I-J-I F-R-A-T