Two tastefully tipsy friends decided to wear their new high-top Converse out to the bars last Saturday night. Reasons for this new found love for the lace-ups: nothing. After running around Q-Bar long enough to step-on at least 86 pairs of feet, piss off the guy working the coat check, and scream "DEEEEALBREAKER" at the fucking Ed-Hardy Mafia that was waiting to get inside: we ended up at a bar called "The Mix." The bouncer could have doubled as Santa Claus at Macy's during the holidays and he never took his eyes off my face when I handed him my ID. PERFECT. A dimly lite room, with a smoking section in the back, filled with dark squinting men making eyes at each other. There was billiards, beer, and free bjs in each bathroom stall. (Well there was an unofficial "bartering exchange" system of STD's and such.) I'll pee on the sidewalk, thanks though.
Rolling with a group of about 8-14 people, we were all running around this place like fucking bats with our heads cut-off. At one point Ashley knocked over four half full drinks off the bar (belonging to other people) and didn't even notice she did it. Between hick-ups she insisted she was fine. For no particular reason my favorite part of the night was when "Fiona" and I were walking into the smoking section and interrupted a really intimate conversation between two guys. One was leaning against the wall while the other stood in front of him with his arm pressed against the wall, as he leaned in for support. We look down and see the bigger one is wearing an old beat up pair of Converse and the two of us, without consulting each other or thinking twice immediately, start blurting out the following types of things:
"CONVERSE! Look we have them too!"
"Oh my goddddd. We just got them. Look at our feet."
"Aren't they fun!?"
"Oh my goddddd. We just got them. Look at our feet."
"Aren't they fun!?"
"Ours are high tops though, woooow."
"Fun. SO fun."
As if the three of us are the only people in the fucking world that have Converse. Being annoying is kind of fun I guess. I mean, we were truly excited in that moment and any excuse to rant about something is fine with me, but he was NOT having it. He gave us one disgusted look and rolled his eyes, before we turned around, laughed like 7th grade girls, and lite two Parliament Light.
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