Tuesday, September 14, 2010


My mother took this picture one morning this summer. That's Turbo chillen on my head. Turbo is awesome. He likes cucumbers and is unarguably the ultimate "chillaxer." (A fifty-fifty combination of "chillin" and "relaxin.") It sounds easy but getting it just right is tricky. Things to consider: remembering to bring your phone with you when you sit down in front of the television on a Sunday. This is key in making sure you do not have to get up to get it and will allows you to text friends and call for food to be brought to you. Everyday I think 'what would Turbo do' and then I take an advil and begrudgingly go through my days "responsibilities," only looking forward to being horizontal again with something mind-numbing moving in front of my eyes.

I thought posing with a tortoise on your head was something I had pioneered until I came across this picture of Courtney Love today. As if I needed another reason to love her.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010


three 6 mafia won an oscar 
before martin scorsese did

I somehow landed in a video production class and now I have to make my own three to five minute film. Not only do I have to make it but also show it to a bunch of people for "productive criticism." Otherwise known as "public humiliation." Awesome, here we go. I thought about dropping it but it's senior year and I can't really put things off until next year anymore. Now I understand why the Oscars are eight hours long and dammit every single one of those people deserve to be recognized. I have to write the damn script, figure out where to shoot it, what they're wearing, what angle, what tunes, what what what fuck. In other news: I think I got a good idea and if I pull it off I'll post the finished product on here. All I have so far is the opening scene which only has one piece of dialogue in it: "i think it's time you met my friends."


Monday, August 30, 2010


whoever finishes their beer first doesn't have to throw down on the tip

sunday morning, let's have fun. gus is the world's best dog, too bad he is also a certified killing machine. don't bring your puppy over for a play date. girls do you think the waiter at gordon biersch has called matt yet?


Thursday, August 26, 2010


it's not really about you, because today it's about me. and you bet your ass those things are mutually exclusive.

If these women have taught me anything it's to always ask for things, especially when it's your birthday. People are ok with giving you things, they just don't know it yet. Not that ya'll needed much convincing to go to bars, but thanks to all of you that came out for my big day. I feel really loved. 

Shirtless after party in my honor!


Saturday, August 21, 2010


I don't believe in taking a picture of someone to your hair dresser and asking for the same haircut. It's the same as taking a picture of a celebrity to the plastic surgeon. You're never going to have Angelina's lips but fuck it, whatever gets you off.

vman mag
