Thursday, March 4, 2010

If McDonalds Sold Whiskey

Getcho grub on gurl

Seriously if there was a McWhiskey and coke on the dollar menu I would dig myself into an even earlier grave. Poor sad little arteries would be clogged with Big Macs and washed down with McWhiskeys. I know that Europe McDonalds have beer and yes, I do like the sound of that, but this would be better. I prefer to start with the Big Mac and then follow it with a McChicken, specifically in that order because if I start with the McChicken then I'm too full to enjoy my Big Mac. Trust me, I've tried it every which way. McWhiskey and Coke at McDonalds would immediately make that the hottest pre-game spot and even post-game when you just want some chicken nuggets before bed. "You're gross!" Call me gross again and pass that fucking sweet and sour sauce.


  1. i think i would be dead at a very young age if mcdonalds served mcwhiskey

  2. ohemgee i so pretty
