You've seen it: the crowd hooting and yelling in judgement, that sub-parr silver fox of a host, the 13 year old sitting next to her mother. She scratching her infected belly button piercing, with a mini-skirt, and uncrossed legs, telling her mother,
"Chica you can't fuckin tell me what to do. I wanna have a baby and I iz goin to have a baby. I'm sleepin wit not 1, not 2, not 3, but four guys."
Then the guys file out and though their lack of non-rotting teeth may be a dealbreaker itself, a guest writer for SuckitbySina breaks it down:
"I won't date you if you have appeared on the "Maury Show" regarding a paternity test.
Honestly I'm a pretty open minded person especially when it comes to sex and sleeping around with random people on a regular basis. I'll tell you right now, one thing I learned at a young age was to wrap it up! You can't sleep around these days without getting knocked up, herpes, or chlamytia (I can't even spell that word). It's not 1972, shit is fo real yo. Seriously, if you wore a fucking condom in the first place you wouldn't be on "Maury" with sweaty palms, sitting next to 4 other potential baby-daddies, wondering if that baby with alcohol fetal syndrome is yours! Publicly displaying your bad decisions on national daytime television is just NOT chill. Dealbreaker, hands down. I don't even care if that crack-baby didn't end up being yours- you still lowered yourself to that level. Paternity testing is meant to take place in the privacy of your doctors office and NOT on television. So grow up people and stop acting like assholes.

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