Now I would never accept a friend request from my mother because, well, let's just say my extra curricular activities aren't her idea of productive or morally just. Lying face down in the middle of Haight Street at 3 in the morning is something your mother just doesn't need to see. But Evathediva breaks it down on why it is so sketchy if your mom showing up on Facebook:
Ok, so now I’m thinking it’s all good and I don’t need to worry about it. WRONG! Next thing I know she’s asked all my friends to be her friend, she’s posting pictures of herself in a bikini (granted, my mom is hot piece of as, but that’s just not cool) and lastly she’s tagging the UGLIEST photos of me. For example, Christmas morning with my hair a mess, no make-up, no bra and a huge zit in the middle of my forehead. Are you fucking kidding me??? I’m sure most of you people reading this story have a facebook so your aware that you don’t always know when people tag you until you check your page OR have it on your blackberry- which I recently lowered myself to because I’m pathetic and a complete loser.
I immediately call my mom up and yell at her to take down the fugly photos of me- to which she replies,
“Which one?? (in shock) I thought you looked so beautiful in all of them”.
Awwww, thanks mom that’s sweet and everything, but I definitely want to exercise my right to screen what ugly ass photos of me go on the internet . I mean, this is facebook, not an email to grandpa and grandma in Willamsburg, Virginia. Do I really want my ex-boyfriend (WHO SHE IS ALSO FRIENDS WITH) looking through those photos and thinking he has the upper hand like- wow she really went down-hill after we broke up. To sum things up, I now live in a constant state of paranoia because my mom is on facebook. NOT CHILL.
Facebook Moms- Listen Up: it's not funny. We have social images to maintain and although you love us no matter what we look, THE REST OF THE WORLD'S NOT AS NICE.
No one should ever be photographed when in the process of moving, but it should definitely not be on the internet.

although im flattered im on your blog sina but these pictures off!!!! i thought it was bad enough having my mom post these on facebook and now you!!! wtf