Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wrong Fo' Dat
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
"Loser goes down on the winner"
Nineteen Eighty Six!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009
Daily Dealbreaker

Butthole Talk
Saturday, April 25, 2009
"Lemme see some identification"

Going out with my girl Elise, I can be sure of only a few things: I'll be telling ya'll about it the next day, there will be tons of whiskey involved, somebody will fall and start bleeding, there will be approximately 7-9 high intensity situations with perfect strangers, and I'll have a great fucking time.
A few nights ago, we caught news of a bar named Blood Hound on 7th and Folsom that was having a fundraising art gallery called the Tenderloin Project. Since "giving back" is our number one priority on a Friday night: we just needed 10 minutes to find a babysitter for our self-respect and dignity for the night, before heading over.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Daily Dealbreaker

I haven't actually met anyone who consistently falls victim to the following Dealbreaker, but just in case you exist: GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE.
a) love to talk about themselves
b) want to end up alone and miserable
c) fucking suck
d) all of the above
Sina studied hard for this life test and Sina is going to pick d) as his final answer. Sina believes that with absolutely zero research or factual evidence, that people who speak in such a manner are in fact: clinically insane and/or a little retarded. Sure with spot on comedic timing, once in a blue moon, it's kosher to pull the "Sina thinks you suck!" response when lacking another comeback to someone's insult, but talking in a self-righteous idiotic way for more than 5 seconds a year is not appropriate. Sina says there's nothing wrong with thinking in the third person, because the he doesn't have to hear it. Sina is ashamed for writing in the third person, but is doing so to emphasis his hugely important point.
Thursday, April 23, 2009

So the truth is: I'm a lot less cultured than I act like I am. I've never seen the Godfather or been to Hawaii. I watch reality TV, have one night stands and consider Cheetos and cigarettes adequate nutrition. That being said a book recommendation may seem a little out of my league, but TRUST Bret Easton Ellis knows what he's doing. You've probably heard of The Rules of Attraction or American Psycho. Those two were made into movies that probably sucked, but his writing has cemented him as one of the best American writers of the 1980s and 90s. I'm obsessed with his book Glamorama right now and believe me: I FUCKING WOULD BE. Main character: male model opening a night club in New York during the 90s. Screwing women like he's going to die the next day, taking drugs like Kurt Cobain, and all the while showing up just in time to have his picture taken. Forgetting people he should obviously remember and internally cringing at the thought of a blackhead, Glamorama is deliciously shiny. This isn't the best quote from the book but the shallow honesty is pretty damn good:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Fuck Scarlet! Eva takes a tumble!
This is just too good. When you have one national holiday, a party at Paris Hilton's house, and a SuckitbySina correspondent in attendance: you KNOW there's is going to be a good story. I don't want to give anything away, so ladies and gentleman I challenge you to top this one. As told by the girl who lived it:
Only this would happen to me. Although this is not the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened in my life, it's definitely #3 on the list. Ok, so let me just set the scene really quick: Friday night. 10pm. I somehow end up at Paris Hilton's house for an Easter party bash. I'm dressed super cute in a new dress and 5-inch heels. You walk into the house and there are several hot easter bunnies in the foyer to greet you with multi- colored Jello shots, mini-pizza's, and candy. To the right is a neat little photo booth where u can take fun pictures, upstairs is paris' home nightclub (aka "Club Paris") and to the right is the pool.
So after a walk through the house, we decided to check out the pool area and see the house she built for the dogs. Let me just tell you at this point I have only had 1/2 of a jack&diet and a cigarette. Alright, I'm just going to say it- I fell in the pool. Yep, that's right! I fell into Paris Hilton's pool, fully clothed and in front of people. I managed to create a minimal splash effect and scramble out of the pool in about 2.5 seconds leaving nasty battle wounds on my arm and knee. I then ran behind the tent where my friends were standing totally confused that I'm drenched from head to toe.
Panic mode!! I'm freaking out and want to get the fuck out of there asap. I mean, what the fuck does one do in that situation?? Luckily, one of my girl friends gets Paris on the which she laughs hysterically and agrees to lend me a dress.
Thank god Paris has a closet the size of my apartment with a million things to choose from that still have the tags on. If you fall in a pool at someone's party, you definitely want it to be Paris' party. Could you imagine if I was at Pauly Shore's house? I would have been walking around in old tube socks and a fucking hawaiian print mumu. That would suck. Anyway, I ended up going with a really pretty green silky dress- thanked her for the hot ensemble and headed over to Club Paris. The rest of the night was filled with good times of rollin down the street smokin endo and sippin on gin & juice with Snoop Dog. Not a bad price to pay for memories like that, oh and a cute new dress.
If the story didn't give you wet mental images of drenched hair, dripping mascara, and utter embarrassment: HERE IS A PLAY BY PLAY.
Before fall: Fabulous. Carefree. Fierce. Our girls are ready for it and the attitude these stares have are going to be changed to shivering wet-puppy embarrassment in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..
Post fall: If there is a picture that could ruin a life, it might be this one. Let me say as someone who has seen this girl pretty drunk, she is dead sober. There are no goggly-eyes, no seducing pattery eyes, just shocked scared lonely "I JUST FELL IN PARIS'S POOL EYES."
After Make Over: It is all relatively good in the hood again. Crumping and bumping in a new green dress with friends. Practice in your 5-ich heels before you skip past Paris's pool
Daily Dealbreaker

Monday, April 20, 2009
Watch & Learn
Daily Dealbreaker

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Open bars: best friend or worst enemy?

If you didn't know open bars are these gifts from heaven where an events bar is essentially free! Yes, it's true, they exist. You walk up and order and WALK AWAY without dropping $9 on a jack and coke. I love them religiously. They take events that may have little to no potential and QUICKLY turns them into a legendary night. Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, birthdays, clubs: whatever, as long as I have all access to a full bar without opening a tab: it is ON. But open bars also entail riding a fine line between ridiculous blackout fun and seriously hazardous completely chaotic, puke drenched madness. Believe me, when you know it's free your mind has little to no resistance to over-drinking. It's tricky and shit usually gets messy in literally 3 seconds flat.
Daily Dealbreaker

Preface: I am still an asshole and I don't wish someone cutting themselves on anyone, but that's just way too much baggage.
"Im a gangsta, Miz Katie"
Friday, April 17, 2009
Smoke Break

Preface: I know I should quit. I know, BELIEVE ME...I fucking know. But what? I'm ruining my 60+ years? Ah shit, don't wanna miss out on those. Fuck that, pass me a lighter.
Daily Dealbreaker

Time for a rant! I stand by this one, shits annoying and I'm tired of people running around with one hand on their ears, heads bent, muttering about budget deficits to themselves. I think you'll agree:
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Scarlet Takes A Fucking Tumble
Lesbians have it better than gay guys

Maybe it's juvenile indiscretion. Maybe it's the heat of springtime. No no it's probably boatloads of tequila, but it seems to me that all around formerly straight girls are thinking the grass is greener on the other side. More than a few girls I know have been...I don't know, not "experimenting," I don't like that word, it reminds me of science, but have been welcoming the idea of physical girl-on-girl sleep overs.
Daily Dealbreaker

Watch & Learn

Rise and fuckin shine! Ashley brought the coffee and left MK at home. Let's break it down. Black, black, and more black with a serving of stank-eye from behind her timeless Ray-Bans. If you're not catching on, she's telling you to throw out your True Religion cut-offs and put your one color cotton F-21 dress through the paper shredder. It might be the light blinding me from her Rolex, but this girl is a legal midget and has more swagger than FlavaFlav. Watch and learn.

I love lists. I love making them, reading them, dreaming & creaming about them. Some in the past have been: things I like that start with the letter p (pineapple juice, printers, pranks)or the "I like you more than ____" list (STD's, taxes, not being tan). These are usually long (50+items) and hugely time consuming, but try it: a spliff and a list a day keeps the doctor away.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Can you blame her?
Trad'r Sams


"Suck it by Sina" is going to be an unorganized, pretentiously sour taste of the mind of a kid who was would rule on MTV's The Real World... not exactly in a good way, and is desperately trying to learn Left-Eye's verse from TLC's "Waterfalls."