Suave, affable, carefree, and gay.
I am only one of those things, but after learning what debonaire meant today, I might be on board with the de-bo. Perhaps "de-bo" is the new "da bomb." Not possible? Our relationship with da-bomb is "complicated," there's too much history? You're probably right, it's too soon to let go.
"Suck it by Sina" is going to be an unorganized, pretentiously sour taste of the mind of a kid who was would rule on MTV's The Real World... not exactly in a good way, and is desperately trying to learn Left-Eye's verse from TLC's "Waterfalls."
I here do solemnly swear...
to be a little too vulgar, to alwayz over uze my Z key, to refrain from the "LOL," to out enemies and embarrass close friends, to waste both our times, and to always reveal my sources after a few drinks.
Yayy sina beana