This is just too good. When you have one national holiday, a party at Paris Hilton's house, and a SuckitbySina correspondent in attendance: you KNOW there's is going to be a good story. I don't want to give anything away, so ladies and gentleman I challenge you to top this one. As told by the girl who lived it:
Only this would happen to me. Although this is not the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened in my life, it's definitely #3 on the list. Ok, so let me just set the scene really quick: Friday night. 10pm. I somehow end up at Paris Hilton's house for an Easter party bash. I'm dressed super cute in a new dress and 5-inch heels. You walk into the house and there are several hot easter bunnies in the foyer to greet you with multi- colored Jello shots, mini-pizza's, and candy. To the right is a neat little photo booth where u can take fun pictures, upstairs is paris' home nightclub (aka "Club Paris") and to the right is the pool.
So after a walk through the house, we decided to check out the pool area and see the house she built for the dogs. Let me just tell you at this point I have only had 1/2 of a jack&diet and a cigarette. Alright, I'm just going to say it- I fell in the pool. Yep, that's right! I fell into Paris Hilton's pool, fully clothed and in front of people. I managed to create a minimal splash effect and scramble out of the pool in about 2.5 seconds leaving nasty battle wounds on my arm and knee. I then ran behind the tent where my friends were standing totally confused that I'm drenched from head to toe.
Panic mode!! I'm freaking out and want to get the fuck out of there asap. I mean, what the fuck does one do in that situation?? Luckily, one of my girl friends gets Paris on the which she laughs hysterically and agrees to lend me a dress.
Thank god Paris has a closet the size of my apartment with a million things to choose from that still have the tags on. If you fall in a pool at someone's party, you definitely want it to be Paris' party. Could you imagine if I was at Pauly Shore's house? I would have been walking around in old tube socks and a fucking hawaiian print mumu. That would suck. Anyway, I ended up going with a really pretty green silky dress- thanked her for the hot ensemble and headed over to Club Paris. The rest of the night was filled with good times of rollin down the street smokin endo and sippin on gin & juice with Snoop Dog. Not a bad price to pay for memories like that, oh and a cute new dress.
If the story didn't give you wet mental images of drenched hair, dripping mascara, and utter embarrassment: HERE IS A PLAY BY PLAY.
Before fall: Fabulous. Carefree. Fierce. Our girls are ready for it and the attitude these stares have are going to be changed to shivering wet-puppy embarrassment in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..
Post fall: If there is a picture that could ruin a life, it might be this one. Let me say as someone who has seen this girl pretty drunk, she is dead sober. There are no goggly-eyes, no seducing pattery eyes, just shocked scared lonely "I JUST FELL IN PARIS'S POOL EYES."
After Make Over: It is all relatively good in the hood again. Crumping and bumping in a new green dress with friends. Practice in your 5-ich heels before you skip past Paris's pool
That's my girl!