Its that time again. To be ruthlessly shallow and call some heads out on their tragic misconceptions of what is kosher. Today our entry comes from Eva. This will surely not be her last run in with SuckitbySina because anyone whose alter ego is EvatheDiva is solid gold in our book. Listen up:
Dealbreaker #2:
"I won't date you if you're A Name-Dropper."
To casually mention the names of illustrious or famous people in order to imply that you are friends with them is not only annoying, but also pointless because I will always be better than you anyway. I don't care if your cousin's best friend from high school is Paris Hilton's dog-sitter! It does NOT make me want to bump & grind you, in fact it makes me want to bitch-slap you right across your pathetic face. There are only a few exceptions as to when it is suitable to give a shout out to a celebrity or famous person: 1) If you have their personal cell phone number in your phone and talk to them on a somewhat regular basis. 2) If you have appeared in their music video that was shot on a yacht in the French Riviera, accidentally slept with them within 8 hours of meeting and want to share this amusing story with your friends. 3) If you grew up down the street and knew him/her from back in the day when they were fat, had braces and wore thick glasses. Other than these specific circumstances...keep your mouth shut because nobody wants to hear it, dumbass!
-EvatheDiva Holbrook
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