Tuesday, February 2, 2010

FSS: Facebook Stalking Syndrome

You don't even mean to. Logging in for "just a second," to see if you have any notifications and three hours later you've landed on your brother's ex-girlfriend's best friend. Clicking through pictures, you get a good inventory of their looks and lifestyle in your mind before forming a "first" impression. When you stop to realize that your actually on photo 136 of 209 your facebook attention span has already moved you to another page. Facebook Stalking Syndrome, also known as FSS, is a disease stemming from lack of ambition or real hobbies, extreme laziness and pot-abuse.

Halfway through writing the last paragraph, I found myself opening a new window to do a quick facebook check. Did I really expect that in the last 15 minutes anything significant or different was happening on my page since I last checked it? Sure I'm going blind from staring at the screen and I have begun to run out of clever statuses resulting in bad one-line lyrics being used, but there is something that brings you back. Most likely the validation from peers and the efficiency of the "like" button, but it's probably the gratification from seeing how lame your high school-ex has gotten over the years. SuckItBySina is on facebook, become a fan gurl: http://www.facebook.com/pages/SuckItBySina/277150741217?ref=ts

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