Monday, February 8, 2010

Nonverbal Communication

Here at SuckItBySina we're all about getting and staying "edumicated." So after learning about non-verbal communication and the messages you are giving off by the things you wear, we thought we'd apply it to our lives. For example getting words like "escape" and "believe" tattood in light cursive on your wrist doesn't make you look poet, it makes you look stupid. Or piling on layers of black eye-liner on top of each other doesn't make me find you thoughtful and mysterious, rather an insecure bed-wetter.

So after losing our keys for the 18th time, we decided to take the time to revamp them under the idea that if we make them something we actually like then, we'll take better care of them. Evathediva talked me into (paid for) these dope leopard and rainbow keys, and I topped them off with this tacky mj keychain. It's pretty clear what my keys say about me. But if you're running around with 18 different keys, when you only actually use two, this means your life is chaotic and your hung up on your old boyfriend. Let it go gurl. Why would you carry around extra weight if you don't need to. If you have various cartoon characters like Hello Kitty, you're either stuck in your childhood, but probably just Asian. If you don't have keys, then your under the age of 8 or homeless. Wow glad I'm covering only the most important topics.

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